App developer gezocht voor omzetten van software naar een app
16 oktober 2017
Rotterdam Zuid-Holland
Vakgebied Website / Apps
Zo snel mogelijk
Zo snel mogelijk
€1.000 tot €2.500
€1.000 tot €2.500
Kan volledig op afstand (telefoon/e-mail/Zoom)
Kan volledig op afstand (telefoon/e-mail/Zoom)
App developer gezocht voor omzetten van software naar een app
Type werkzaamheden: app ontwikkelen
Even in het Engels, Nederlandse reactie is prima:
Hi Sir/Madam,
Currently I just started with working on creating an app. The idea of the app is that it lets you see all the data that Facebook also gathers, but then available for the user to see.
I am working on a design for the app. For the software, I need an app developer that can create the rest of the app. Some of the software is already available on the site meantioned in contact details. On the site you can find the API's that are used, and also the code (via the GitHub link at FAQ) that is used in the chrome extension. The software is already there, the only thing I want is the software transferred in an app, that uses the design I will deliver.
Can you please provide me with an indication of the price is costs to make this happen? The platform we want to use is android. We furthermore want everything to happen on the phone, and don't want a link to the website above.
Like to hear from you!
Best regards
Budget: max. 2500 euro
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